ON THE PARSHA Parshas Chayei Sara by Dovid Lipman, Israel Year 3, No. 5 Introduction This parsha, describes the transition from Avraham to Yitzchak and from Sara to Rivkah, has four parts: 1) Sara's death and burial 2) Yitzchak's match 3) Avraham's last wife and death 4) Yishmael's end 1. Sara's death and burial -- Chap. 23 Sara dies at age 127 in Chevron, and Avraham goes there to mourn and make arrangements, including buying the field containing the Machpelah cave as a family burial plot, from a local. Answers to Do You Remember? -Parshas VaYeira 1. Avraham planned to use bread to separate the milk and meat, but since the bread became impure, he made a "tofu" cow. 2. Acc. to Rashi, Maachah was a boy; to Sforno, a girl. 3. One should live in a new town; having less sins may cause it to be judged leniently by heaven, like Tzoar. 4. Avraham prays in a set place in 19:27. 5. "Fear of Elokim" is fear of the Attribute of Justice [i.e. punishment], "Fear of Hashem" is Awe of Hashem's greatness. 2. Yitzchak's match -- Chap. 24 Avraham assigns his servant to find a wife for Yitzchak from his homeland. Upon arriving, the servant asks Hashem to help him find the right girl through a test - that he ask for water and she even water his camels. Rivkah comes to the well and 'passes' the test. She is the granddaughter of Avraham's brother Nachor, and her family agrees the hand of Hashem is clear. The servant gives gifts to all and brings Rivkah back. Yitzchak marries her, and with her he is comforted for the loss of his mother Sarah. The Principles of Shabbos (24:67) "...in the tent: Sara, his mother..." Rashi explains that Yitzchak saw Rivkah return the miracles of Sara's home which had disappeared at her death. One was a candle lit from Friday to Friday. Why mention Friday of it was lit all week? Obviously, on Friday it went out (or was put out) and was relit. Why? Because it could not have served for a Shabbos candle if it had been lit from before (Shulchan Aruch 263:4), since it must be clear it was lit for Shabbos. Mishnah Berurah (no. 20) explains that if it was not intended for Shabbos, it must be relit even if it was lit within 1¼ adjusted hours before Shabbos ("Plag"). If it was lit in this period FOR Shabbos, one does not relight, but one should still not light before the proper time. 3. Avraham's last wife and death -- 25:1 to 25:11 [Aliyah 6] Avraham marries Keturah and has six more children. Before his death at 175, he gives over his property to Yitzchak and sends off his other sons with gifts. Avraham is buried in Machpelah. Worthy of Note (25:7) "And these are the years of Avraham which he lived..." Why add "which he lived"? The Ohr HaChayim links this to the Midrash (B.R. 63:12) that Avraham only died then because at that time Eisav became wicked, and Avraham would have been distressed to see what became of his grandson. Avraham had 180 years coming to him - but these are how many of them he lived! 4. Yishmael's end -- 25:12 [Aliyah 6] to 25:18 [End] Yishmael has twelve sons; each one leads a sub-family. He dies at age 137, and his family take up being nomadic tribes. Do You Remember? -from the files of On the Parsha 1. What were the gifts Avraham gave his other sons? 2. How is marriage sanctification (Kiddushin) done? 3. Is an Onen (mourner before burial) exempt from mizvos even when the dead body is not before him? 4. How was Eliezer hoping his mission would end?