ON THE PARSHA Parshas Eikev by Dovid Lipman, Jerusalem The World Of The Supernatural (11:12) "A land which Hashem your G-d examines, Hashem your G-d's eyes are constantly on it..." The Ramban explains that the Divine providence over each and is given over to a special angel, seventy angels for the seventy lands of the seventy nations, but the land of Israel is under only Hashem's own direction - the practical difference being that in the land of Israel prayers are more likely to change a decree, since Hashem acts in a more directly involved way there. A Time To Laugh (9:1) "...large, fortified cities in the sky." This pasuk seems to hint to todays space program. The only question is, do we take it to refer to space stations, since only they should be called 'cities', or perhaps it refers to the SDI program, as hinted to by 'fortified'? Either way, the pasuk predicts that the Jews will inherit these cities... Worthy Of Note (10:17) "...who doesn't play favorites or take bribes." After a long and lofty list of aspects of Hashem's greatness, this seems most anticlimactic. Is the final majesty of His ways - not to take bribes? In truth, however, that really shows his total unity. We all take bribes - in a sense. We really only value that which satisfies our needs. But why should we value something or someone just because WE happen to depend on it? But we are dependent beings, so that is our nature. Anything which fills our needs becomes good and important in our eyes. Hashem, who depends on no one, can make judgements unbiased - and that IS impressive. From the Gemara (8:8) Berachos 44a - These seven foods which are used to praise the land of Israel require the special miniature Grace After Meals as an after-blessing. (10:17) Yoma 49b - This special four-word praise of Hashem was not used in its entirety in the time of the destruction of the first Temple, when Hashem's greatness was not being revealed, but it was reinstituted later for our Shmoneh Esray, since as time passes, the fact that the Jewish people continue to survive is itself a revelation of the greatness of our Shepherd. (11:15) Berachos 40a - Since food for animals is mentioned before the people eating, the halacha is derived that one may not eat before feeding ones animals. Rare And Unusual Words (9:7) "Zachor". Since the pasuk specifically says separately not to forget, the Midrash learns, the word must include mentioning out loud, and this meaning is used to derive many mitzvos, like Kiddush and Parshas Zachor.